Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Belief

Day after day I sit and wonder how and why I exist. I try and find a meaning to life. I try and figure out what I believe in then emerges religion. Looking in my Webster’s dictionary I come upon the word â€Å"religion.† Not surprised, you come to find that the word religion has close to 8 definitions and I will not be shocked to find out that in 10 years a 300 page book would consist of all things religion. So, the truth shall set us free†¦ The one idea of religion is the questions people ask to feel good. People want to know what life is and why we want to live it. Religion gives those who come together a form of connection and unity. On the other hand, religion has caused wars, which have been carried out in God’s name. Religion causes countries to fight other countries and has a lot to do with politics. Religion remains a major part of society. People have a desire within to believe in something. Will this desire ever change? Society today places greater faith in themselves and the world around them rather than placing their faith in a religion. Religion in some ideals has become more materialistic and technology based, than it is fact and tradition. It is now being used to make money, mostly through scamming people. All of its meaning seems to have been lost and more and more people don’t know why they pray or thank God for. But†¦ Religion for me is what this paper was about. I have experienced, learned, wondered and always tried to solve several mysteries, but I cannot do so. Everyday my views about certain things always relay back to myself and how well I exist in society. I try and distinguish between wrong and right and then realize how everything around me will never be right – unless I believe. I have been through so many experiences that sometimes I feel as if I wasn’t meant to exist. Society is society, it will not fail to disappoint nor will it remain constant – exactly like me.... Free Essays on Belief Free Essays on Belief Day after day I sit and wonder how and why I exist. I try and find a meaning to life. I try and figure out what I believe in then emerges religion. Looking in my Webster’s dictionary I come upon the word â€Å"religion.† Not surprised, you come to find that the word religion has close to 8 definitions and I will not be shocked to find out that in 10 years a 300 page book would consist of all things religion. So, the truth shall set us free†¦ The one idea of religion is the questions people ask to feel good. People want to know what life is and why we want to live it. Religion gives those who come together a form of connection and unity. On the other hand, religion has caused wars, which have been carried out in God’s name. Religion causes countries to fight other countries and has a lot to do with politics. Religion remains a major part of society. People have a desire within to believe in something. Will this desire ever change? Society today places greater faith in themselves and the world around them rather than placing their faith in a religion. Religion in some ideals has become more materialistic and technology based, than it is fact and tradition. It is now being used to make money, mostly through scamming people. All of its meaning seems to have been lost and more and more people don’t know why they pray or thank God for. But†¦ Religion for me is what this paper was about. I have experienced, learned, wondered and always tried to solve several mysteries, but I cannot do so. Everyday my views about certain things always relay back to myself and how well I exist in society. I try and distinguish between wrong and right and then realize how everything around me will never be right – unless I believe. I have been through so many experiences that sometimes I feel as if I wasn’t meant to exist. Society is society, it will not fail to disappoint nor will it remain constant – exactly like me....

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