Monday, November 18, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 78

Case Study Example eading of the Zara case study does lead to the conclusion that the immense success of Zara in the apparel retail sector is based on a few well thought and highly planned strategic approaches towards the clothing retail business. One major factor that could be held responsible for the high success of Zara in the clothing retail sector is the company’s pro-active approach towards business. The problem with most of the competitors is that they happen to have a highly market dependent approach towards business. They happen to wait for the market influences to shape and impact their business strategy. In that context, the amazing thing is that Zara has a business approach towards retail that is highly competitive and pro-active. Zara does not wait for the things to happen to it. Instead, this retail giant goes on and plays a pro-active approach in determining and shaping the consumer preferences and choices. The primary factor that sets Zara apart from its competitors is that Zara is always in touch with the latest fashion trends and is thereby able to get a hold of the clothing retail trends in a way that is unthinkable for other companies. Hence, it would not be wrong to say that Zara is not a product driven but a trend driven company in the sense that the primary stress at Zara is to identify, produce and market consumer preferences at all levels of its supply chain, are they strategizing, designing, manufacturing, marketing and sales. In that case it would be really important to mention that Zara is indeed one of the few clothing retail companies that have been able to strategically exploit the available IT inputs and choices in every aspect of its product designing, manufacturing, marketing and sales. Hence, the thing that needs to be understood is that the retail success of Zara is directly linked to the company’s practical understanding of the clothing retail market, the adoption of this understanding in every aspect of its supply chain and marketing, and

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